Prices at the grocery store have crept up. And up. And up. If your wallet is feeling stretched, you’re not alone. We’re here to help with a flexible phyllo wrap recipe that can help you take advantage of the affordable staples and make the most of everything you bring home. Last night’s leftovers, frozen veggies, slightly wilted herbs … it all tastes great wrapped in layers and layers of flaky phyllo.
No matter what you have on hand, it’ll wrap up nice. Use our chart of ideas for a mix and match recipe that always hits the spot.
Step one is to create a hearty base. Brown whatever ground meat is on special, reheat shredded chicken or pulled pork from last night’s dinner, sear some shrimp … anything goes! Season with salt, pepper and whatever else speaks to you and your stomach. Vegetarians, feel free to skip this step, or get creative with a plant substitute.
Frozen vegetables tend to be less expensive than fresh. Add them to your skillet and cook until just starting to soften or wilt. Have a few fresh odds and ends veggies in the back of the crisper drawer? Chop them up and cook them instead! Our filling is flexible. This is also the time to add a sauce such as sriracha, tzatziki, BBQ, sour cream or even a drizzle of balsamic. A little goes a long way.
Feta, cheddar, shredded mozz, spicy pepper jack, it all works! And will melt beautifully in the oven. This part’s easy: shred or crumble your cheese of choice, then stir into your filling.
Set your filling aside and work on your dough. Unroll and cover your defrosted phyllo. Layer 4 sheets. Between each, a light brush of oil and a sprinkle of spice, herbs, cheese, breadcrumbs, or seeds will help you achieve maximum flavor and crispability. Cut the stack in half horizontally for two servings. Now you’re ready to wrap. We’re doing this Hot Pocket style: a scoop of filling (about 1/3 cup) goes toward one end of the rectangle short side. Fold the long sides in over your filling, then starting at the bottom, roll ‘er up. Same mechanics as a burrito, basically. Repeat procedure to wrap remaining filling.
Once your wraps are wrapped, place them seam side down on a sheet pan and brush with one last coating of olive oil. This will ensure a crispy, golden exterior. Most leftover seasonings that go between the sheets can also be sprinkled on top. Pop into a 350° oven for 20 – 25 minutes, and you’ll have a result that tastes like a million bucks. Serve with a simple salad or a steaming bowl of soup for a fun, more filling take on a grilled cheese.
Get started by seeing where to buy Athens – our dough should be in a freezer aisle near you! We hope this flexible wrap gives you the confidence to use what you’ve got, and we can’t wait to hear how it goes. Share on social what you’re whipping up and how you’re making the most of your grocery budget. Or visit our Pinterest for more affordable, flexible meal ideas.