(Dora Cavallo)
Dora is a Food Photographer and Stylist based in Cleveland, Ohio.
What do you like most about phyllo?
The versatility! I love baking with it and also using it in savory recipes. Phyllo creates amazing texture and always looks impressive.
What gives you inspiration for your phyllo dishes?
Using phyllo in unexpected ways. Putting a twist on classic recipes and updating childhood favorites.
How do you describe your overall cooking philosophy?
Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple and let the flavors and ingredients shine.
Take a bite of nostalgia. As the weather cools off and we start to crave comfort food, we’re revisiting dishes we loved as kids … and asking our friends what recipes take them back to their best childhood food memories.
Straight from our kitchen to your table, we’ve got the recipes you need so you can make your meals flaky and delicious.
The best way to stop your phyllo dough from drying out is by covering thawed dough with plastic wrap and then a slightly damp towel. Take a sheet of phyllo as needed but make sure to cover it as soon as possible! You’ll keep your dough nice and workable this way.
Mix. Spoon. Garnish. With crispy phyllo cups and your favorite toppings, it’s easy to get that pumpkin pie taste without ever touching the oven.